Other highlights are the User Profile Manager, HALion Sonic SE 3, the newly developed video engine, ADR enhancements, new effects processors, such as the eight-band fully parametric Frequency EQ, a fine selection of sounds taken from the 2017 Hybrid Library by Pro Sound Effects and much more. Also new to the table is the virtual-analog Retrologue 2 synthesizer, the second version of a VST instrument pertaining to the included set of features that was previously available as the NEK (short for Nuendo Expansion Kit). Here you can see an audio track’s output being routed to the side-chain input of the.

In addition to offering better routing and automation facilities, thanks to the new VST3 plug-in support Nuendo 4’s mixer also supports side-chaining for VST3 plug-ins. The newly introduced Sampler Track allows users to drag and drop audio samples from the MediaBay into it in order to easily play and manipulate the samples. Nuendo 4 supports Steinberg’s latest incarnation of the VST specification for plug-in effects and instruments, VST 3. The Sound Randomizer plug-in creates different variations of a sound instantaneously, adjusting its pitch, timbre, impact and timing.

Direct Offline Processing together with its Live!Rendering technology lets users apply frequently required processes in an offline plug-in chain and render offline processes in real time, while Renamer automatically assigns new names to events. First and foremost is Game Audio Connect 2 that transfers entire music compositions from Nuendo to the Wwise middleware while including audio and MIDI tracks along with cycle and cue markers. The latest version of Nuendo 8 contains many exciting new tools and capabilities alongside its powerful feature set.